Should You Rent Email Lists?

Should You Rent Email Lists?

Rent email lists are an excellent way to generate a substantial list of leads. There are however a few things you should take into consideration before purchasing this type of list. First, the quality of the list is very important because you want to build a relationship with your subscribers over a period of time. This can only be done if you have a good list of subscribers. Therefore, here are a few factors to consider when purchasing email lists:

- Can-SPAM compliance - The laws that are put in place to protect people from being scammed have been placed on the Internet. If your company falls within these laws, you will not be able to rent email lists. Companies and individuals who rent email lists are doing so in order to send out unsolicited bulk messages to anyone they think might be interested in their product or service. As a result, the laws have been placed so that if you rent email lists, it is only legal to do so with the permission of the person who owns the address. This means that if you are going to rent email lists you need to get permission from the person that owns the address in order to rent them.

- How many people are included in the list - When you rent email lists you will generally get one or two dozen emails. When you purchase email lists you could potentially receive hundreds of emails. The price you pay for this service depends on the size of the list you are looking to rent. Obviously, the larger the list the more money you will spend. However, this is pretty bad in most cases because if you don't follow the rules of the Internet, you could end up being reported and blacklisted on the Internet.

- Who owns the list - When renting email lists you need to know who is getting the emails. The reason for this is so you can avoid renting email addresses from companies and sending spam to them. Also, some email database providers do not allow you to rent email lists from other people. So, when you do rent email lists you need to make sure that the list owner is a paying customer of the database provider. If the list owner is not a paying customer of the database then you can be reported as a spammer and blacklisted on the Internet.

- How much is the cost per email - When you are buying email lists you can expect to pay anywhere between ten dollars and thirty dollars per email. So, when you rent email lists you are basically paying an hourly rate for your work. This means that in a day you can make anywhere from five dollars to forty dollars. This is not bad when you are just renting the email addresses for personal use but if you are planning on making money off of the rented lists you might want to look into buying email lists. Buying lists can usually be done for under ten dollars per email list and usually gives you more options for the list itself.

- What about spam? - Yes, when you rent the lists you also have the possibility of being accused of spamming. So if you buy email lists it is pretty bad idea to rent the ones that are already being used by many people as spam. But if you are planning on renting the ones that will be used by a handful of people a lot you might want to consider buying them. Since you cannot be banned from using the main server that hosts your website with just one rented list it is not likely that you will get blacklisted by the main server of the Internet.

There are many advantages to renting email lists versus buying them. First, if you are serious about email marketing then I would suggest that you rent the lists first. Then, once you have your lists leased and ready to go, start sending out emails to your subscribers! And remember to use your best subject lines and signature files in each email that you send out. It only takes one bad email to sink your business into the muck and cause it to fold. So be sure that you keep that in mind and never, ever send out unsolicited email to anyone.

Renting is a great way to get started with email  marketing  , but whether or not to rent is actually the question. Purchased email lists can provide you with a good foundation to build your business off of, but they do not have nearly the reach and response rate that comes from building your own lists. However, the biggest advantage to having your own lists is the relationship you will develop with your subscribers. Building a relationship with your subscriber base is what will make you a success instead of just another online business trying to sell products and services to people who have no need for them. For more information about purchasing email lists or just to talk to an expert, check out the links below.